Thursday, March 23, 2006

Faith's Graduation

On Monday night, Faith was awarded her Diploma of Bible and Missions. I guess in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't mean much, but it was still a fitting time to rejoice and celebrate the training of ministers of Christ for the purpose of knowing God and living out Christ-like lives and teaching others to do the same.

Anyway, I took heaps of photos using a very nice lens (thanks to Alwin for 70-200 f4!). If you care to check them out, please click here

Here's a sample:


Steeejei said...

Congratulations Faith! A year of hard work will be of use in the future :)

Hmm... is it me or does Peter Jensen look shorter than other photos I've seen? Oh well, another reason not to esteem our Christian leaders beyond what they really are ;)

Roy said...

Hey! :)

Anonymous said...

home equity loans

alwinc said...

Yay for Home Equity Loans!!!


Yeah... the F4 is a nice lens isn't it?