It's been a good 5 years since I finished uni and I'd almost forgotten that 'after-exam' feeling of immense relief and pure joy trying to burst out from beneath the piles of stress that have built up over weeks of long, arduous and frustrating studies.
Well, the feeling is back! And at the moment, I'm just way too tired and drained to soak it in, but let me tell you, it'll kick in very soon! I'm not sure I've ever had to study this hard before, but I think this says more about me in the past than the course itself! Second year at Moore College is meant to be on another level yet again... and I don't mean 'down' either!
One thing I have learnt through this year is that I want to have a different mindset about college studies for the next few years. The years of schooling and uni had 'taught' me to get through exams, trying to do as well as possible with as little effort as possible. But I don't want Bible college to be like that. I didn't want it to be like that since the start of the year, but old habits die hard. And so these last 5-6 weeks have been somewhat of a major cram...
The aim for next year is to do the learning as the year progresses and not worry so much about getting good marks, but more on really learning things and cementing it through constant exposure and revision. I've got a couple of guys who are thinking the same way and as a group we hope to be able to work together and encourage each other as the 'spirit grows weak'!
If you could spare us a moment of your prayer time, please pray that these years at college for me and all my classmates will be years of great and long-lasting learning, so that we will be faithful teachers of God's word, rightly handling the word of Truth.
For now, the 'holidays' begin... well, not quite... lots going on for the next few weeks, but it's all good. It's great to be 'finished' with studies and be able to devote our energies to other equally worthwhile things, especially catching up with old and new friends!